Nov 9, 2021


Take Your First Review Digitally

If you’ve been in the upholstery business for even a season, you know how many pounds of swatch fabric goes to waste in each factory as selections for the next season are made.

You know the routine: Attend Showtime (Good For You!), select patterns to be sent as swatches or full color lines, and back in the factory, compare the physical swatch to the hundreds of others you’ve gathered from various vendors. Then try to find a place to donate or return those that didn’t quite fit your introduction plan!

South Pacific Textile is challenging furniture manufacturers to re-think this routine and help reduce the waste. We recognize the need to touch and feel the quality of patterns and to see true colors. We are always happy to provide you with physical samples.

We’re just asking you to Take Your First Review Digitally!

If you’re not sure whether one of our patterns fits your needs, let us provide you with a quality photo to compare via your screen. Then, if it passes the first screening as “under consideration”, we’ll send the full color line or an individual color you’re interested in.

If you routinely bring in 700 swatch rings or color lines, then winnow it down to the top 100, then fit cream of the crop into your fabric-to-frame decisions, imagine how many pounds of fabrics you could keep from the landfill if a few of your fabric providers let you Take Your First Review Digitally. And yet, once you make that first cut, you will have a physical sample provided quickly.

South Pacific Textile will be ready to ask you “Would you like to Take Your First Review Digitally?” as you complete your swatch request. It’s your choice and we hope you’ll join us in the search for a more Eco-friendly process of fabric selection.