May 9, 2022
TSG Finishing Begins Phase 1 of its Modernization Initiative.

Hickory, NC – May 9th 2022. TSG Finishing LLC is pleased to announce it has begun phase 1 of its project to modernize all of its primary textile finishing equipment.
TSG currently relies on 7 tenter frames to coat or process almost every yard of fabric it receives. Though the basics of textile coating have not changed, new machinery comes equipped with technology to ensure better quality, efficiency and safety. TSG kicked off phase 1 of this initiative with a new tenter, purchased from Ehwha, a highly-regarded South Korean manufacturer whose machinery is becoming commonplace in the American textiles industry. Michael Goldman, President says, “We vetted almost every tenter manufacturer and decided that Ehwha was the best fit for the wide variety of textiles we process on a daily basis”.
Another key element in choosing Ehwha was the ability to modify their standard equipment as new opportunities arise. Goldman adds, “In recent years TSG has had to design numerous textile coating and handling methods, all of which must be retrofitted to one of our exiting tenters. This new piece of equipment will allow us to further expand our technical abilities and entertain programs that we currently cannot handle.” Installation is expected to begin in late Summer 2022 in TSG’s Synthetics Plant in Hickory, NC. TSG Finishing is one of the largest textile finishers in North America. With three processing plants and over 200 employees in the Hickory, NC area, they provide value-added services to all textile markets including medical, military, automotive, construction, home furnishings, and filtration.