If you’re looking for the best restaurants in the Triad, High Point has them! See the locals’ favorite coffee shops, barbecue joints, sushi spots and more during your show stay. Explore Visit High Point’s food scene in the link below! If you’re planning to be in town before the show, click here to view a list of restaurants open on Sunday and Monday.

Looking for attractions while in town? Click the link below to discover all there is to love about High Point, NC.

There are many hotels available in the High Point, Greensboro and Winston-Salem area for Interwoven Textile Fair by ITA.
We encourage you to support the show by booking your hotel stay using the link below. Visit High Point provides grants based on the number of hotel rooms that are booked during Interwoven Textile Fair by ITA. By providing this information, you are helping us to secure a grant that provides financial support for the shuttle service provided during Interwoven.

The permanent exhibitors are in multiple buildings in the Textile District. We provide complimentary shuttle service between each of the multi-tenant buildings.

Premium Parking is located at Market Square Textile Tower, 317 W High Ave. Spaces are limited, and parking passes are available for purchase only through the Shop ITA site.
Complimentary buyer parking is located across from the Market Square Textile Tower on the corner of Lindsay St. and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.